GTG in San Francisco November 10
Exact time and location TBD, dinner at 5 or 6 pm.Who's coming?faina22@hotmail.com
View ArticleRe: GTG in San Francisco November 10
There is some remote possibility we could be in San Francisco on that date, although I think it more unlikely than likely. But I will keep an eye on this thread.
View ArticleRe: GTG in San Francisco November 10
Wish I could, Faina, but we are flying home from Mexico that evening, not arriving until about 8pm. I think Phil Flash would not be very happy if I told him we had a dinner engagement.
View ArticleRe: GTG in San Francisco November 10
Juju, I hope you can make it!ChiChi, don't feed him. Tell him the only place that has food is the GTG
View ArticleRe: GTG in San Francisco November 10
Yes, but you will be finished by the time we would arrive!
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